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  • Writer's pictureShruthi K

Spirituality.....A quest into consciousness

Spirituality a word which is widely used in todays world more so to call oneself an atheist but truly for me and keep in mind this is a personal opinion spirituality is seeing the good in all religion, people, places, events, experiences.

Very simply put being a forever learner with a humble attitude, there is always something more to learn, to see, to feel, to experience.

Spirituality can be extensively defined as a search for meaning, purpose, and connection with something beyond oneself a certain knowing that there is more to life than what can be seen, heard, felt. It often involves beliefs about the nature of the universe or even universes. A certain belief in the existence of a higher power or force, and the role of human beings in the world.

Spirituality can be expressed through various practices and traditions, it may be prayer, practice of meditation, contemplation of the life we live, rituals, and community involvement. It can be deeply personal or shared with others, and can be experienced in different ways depending on one's cultural background, religious beliefs, or philosophical perspective.

In todays fast paced world Spirituality can also be associated with personal growth, inner peace, and a sense of fulfillment. It may offer individuals a way to cope with challenges and difficulties in life, as well as a means to celebrate joys and successes. Additionally, spirituality can contribute to a sense of connectedness with others and the natural world.

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