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  • Writer's pictureShruthi K

Who is a Conscious Living Practitioner?

This is a term that many practitioners use but what does it mean if you google the meaning it shows up something like this - "someone who is committed to living a more aware, mindful, and intentional life" or "Conscious living means living consciously and acting attentively, not in an automatic, unconscious way."

But this definition is best for talking about conscious living rather than that of a practitioner. So as a practitioner what is it that is done ok I will try my best to explain it using my understanding and learnings from so many years

As a practitioner and with knowledge of some modalities that help us personally live a conscious life we amalgamate to individualistic preferences and try to help them start living a conscious life after coming out of any emotion that was holding them back

So on a personal level when I thought of conscious living and started my journey there was a big price called COMMITMENT to move ahead. every day i started recognizing my thoughts, actions, and choices that have a direct impact on my well-being, and even to the people around me, and the planet. I practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or yoga or Reiki, to cultivate self-awareness and mental clarity.

I was someone who never priortized self-care but now I focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

So as a conscious living practitioner I personally am someone who seeks to live in harmony with myself, my surroundings, others, even the planet, and I am committed to continuous self-improvement and growth. And in this journey of life if in any ways and means I can be someone who encourages you out there even by 1% to start living consciously I would feel blessed

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